Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Armchair New Year...

At 5.28 am I woke up to a searing flash of white light just outside my bedroom window.

Just as your mind races in times like that, my mind did too (how come it never does that during Jeopardy?) anyway, I though maybe the neighbor finally blew his house up with all the gasoline he stores for that stupid ATV, or for the first time in my life I wondered if Pittsburgh was being bombed...

don't laugh, our defense software division at CMU has been a terrorist target for years.

Then I heard the thunder.

I was comforted by the thunder, it's just a storm.

Then another flash of white light.


The lightening was dancing right outside my window.

Our son, half asleep/half awake, came in our room and asked if we were safe. I said , it's only a storm, we're safe ...I walked him back to bed.

I prowled around the house in the dark, looking out the windows, making sure a tree hadn't come down in the storm, then I sat down in my favorite chair.

This chair makes me feel safe, it has all my life.

It's an old blue velvet barrel back chair. One of a pair that was given to my grandparents as a wedding present back in the late 1920's. It's a Pullman chair, which means it was on those plush railroad cars back in the great days of train riding.My grandparents gave them to my parents, who then moved 7 times around the country, carting those chairs right along, to every split level, colonial,whatever cul de sac neighborhood.

I helped my Mom pick out the blue velvet (it was called Carol Blue, imagine that) when she reupholstered them in 1970 after the tapestry fabric had worn to the padding.

Then 4 years ago, when my mother went into the nursing home and we split up the contents of her life, I brought the chairs here.

She has since passed away and I feel close to her when I sit in these chairs.

No doubt our son will sit in it someday with his children, it'll have new fabric but the good bones will shine through.

As I sat in the chair after my "rounds", I pondered the lightening flash, the new year around the corner, and the chair that remains.

By then , the storm had passed.

I believe God speaks to us the only way we are prepared to listen. In other words if he spoke directly to you,in full voice, chances are you might be seeking medication immediately, so we are spoonfed what we can digest: symbols, metaphors, all the God favorites.

The dance of the lightening, the "comfort" of the sound of thunder, the safety of the chair. A glimpse of a cycle.

The New Year is upon us and we are excited but guardedly so because of the storm that can come.

The key is in the pair of Carol Velvet Blue Pullman chairs in the sunporch. Those chairs have seen storm after storm through year after year and they've heard all the laughter in between and just like God, they've held us safe in a loving embrace...

We're going to be alright, hey, I saw the lightening DANCE, not strike...and as I sit in the chair and write this, I can see a beautiful Pennsylvania snowfall and the sun is darting in and out of the clouds.


Happy New Year everyone, see you in 2009.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mummy Christmas....

CAIRO, Egypt — An Australian teacher who allegedly stuffed his luggage with 2,000-year old animal mummies and religious figurines wrapped as gifts was arrested Wednesday and charged with smuggling antiquities, an Egyptian airport security official said.
The 61-year teacher was heading to Thailand when a security official became suspicious of the wrapped figurines that were placed amid souvenir ceramic pots in his suitcase.
When security officials opened the case, they found two mummies of a cat and an ibis, a long-beaked bird, both dating back to 300 B.C. The confiscated collection also included 19 figurines of the revered ancient Egyptian gods of Horus and Thoth, wrapped as gifts.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh yeah...

I know, I know , this bird doesn't really do anything THAT exceptional...what is so funny is the guy singing to it. The way he says the word "penny" sends me into hysterics.
The "pop" sound the bird makes also elicits wild giggles, overall the whole thing is just soooo damn I bet you never knew the whole lyric to this song, did ya?

A man and his bird, sometimes that's all you need for a chuckle.


Active Denial System

I have finally beat the squirrels at their game! I have a bird feeder that denies them entrance. My life is complete and I can move on to more important things like , what does Ed Schlossberg really do?


No longer a "fan" of DC


Thursday, December 18, 2008

In the air there's a feeling of Stressmass

I've seen this house and all it's lights, it's on a little one-way street. It's a sweet little neighborhood and I'm sure folks moved there because it's so private. Except for this guy.
The holidays are now marred with tons of strangers checking out the lights and a constant flash of lights in your window all night.

It's telling that he is a divorced male who's grown children don't speak to him. This display is not about Christmas spirit it is about "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!"

I have neighbors who display multiple inflatables in their yard....although this year, mercifully there has been no such Sam's Club display...they may have come to the realization that it cost money to run those monstrosities, and they have 3 kids to put through college. Imagine explaining the lack of college funds due to blowing it on lawn decorations and other stuff that really doesn't matter.

So Invisi-Gal is so glad she doesn't live near Mr. Payattentiontome, and that her neighbors just might understand Christmas is in the heart and not in the yard this year.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A lesson on forgiveness....

While the rest of the world is bickering over parking spaces and shooting each other over a toy at Toys R Us...this gentle man lost his family and shows forgiveness to the one who accidentally caused it.

I am in awe of this man:

A Korean immigrant whose family was killed when an F-18 crashed into his house returned home to survey the rubble and said he doesn't blame the military pilot who survived the accident.
Dong Yun Yoon, 37, lost his wife, two baby daughters and mother-in-law after a Marine Corps fighter plane clipped a tree and plummeted into houses about two miles from base. The pilot safely ejected and was rescued hanging by his parachute from a tree.
"I pray for him not to suffer for this action," Yoon said at a news conference, according to The Los Angeles Times. "I know he's one of our treasures for our country."

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Talkin' Trash...

You can start this out by saying who cares... I wouldn't blame you, but since this is MY blog, I'll tell you this story.

The last time I bought a trash can for my kitchen was over 18 years ago.....18 YEARS ago.

It was a big black thing I bought at Ways and Means, a store in Shadyside that has been gone for at least 12 years. I liked it cause it was big and black (it goes with everything)and had a lid.

My brother in law hated it. Every time he came to visit he told me to get rid of it.

His wish came true two weeks ago.

The trash can finally cracked and I was forced to face the project of buying a new one.

I am a major pain in the ass consumer, I research and research and bug everybody til I find exactly the perfect most incredible awesome product.

I have moved into the new century in all it's glorious trash technology and purchased a Touchless Trash can...18 stainless steel gleaming high tech gallons with an Automatic sensor lid and wheels and flashing lights and omigod it looks like R2D2..... days are complete now.....


Saturday, November 29, 2008

See Yinz, Pitt Girl....a cautionary tale.

I will miss Pitt Girl, I read the Burgh Blog almost everyday. Life is local, politics is local, love is local, The Burgh Blog was local.

It was a blog that created it's own neighborhood, language and if I'd had a crack at it, a theme song.

Thanks Pitt Girl (by the way I always thought you were some really witty gay guy ala Oscar Wilde), as we never say goodbye in the burgh, we just say, "See yinz"....


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I like to think I am grateful, but I'm not really as grateful as I should be. It's a good thing we have Thanksgiving, it makes us pause and think about our lives, to take stock and stop the whining.

This collage by is titled "Thanks" kind of sums it all up for me.

Happy Thanksgiving, blessings to you.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Divorce, really.

Invisi-Gal feels very old timey these days. It's hard for me to imagine that people meet on line in virtual reality and then get married in real life and then have affairs in virtual reality and then get divorced in real life.

My head is virtually spinning, for real:


Calling Dr.Freud, Dr.Freud, calling....

Okay, I have to tell you about this strange dream I had, it was a morning dream (all the strange ones are)...and dear readers, I'll only tell you part of it, because, I know one should usually run away when someone says "Let me tell you about the strange dream I had"'s akin to when someone asks you to smell something, and they ask "Does this smell bad to you?"...So at the risk of being the month old Gorgonzola of your day, here I go:

The main weird part of the dream is that I keep trying to get on an elevator but every time I am standing by the doors, some bald little man with a pot belly in a white t-shirt looks at me and smiles and I run away.

He's actually quite pleasant to me, but somehow I know he's a menace so I keep trying to trip him up by going to a different set of elevators....I finally ditch him and then I wake up.

I never get on the elevator, either.

I tried looking this one up and all the elevator interpretations are about whether you go up or down in the elevator....never about NOT GETTING ON THE ELEVATOR.

Oh and the reason why I need to get on the elevator is to meet my husband for a black-tie dinner and I can't take the stairs because I am pushing around my mother's wooden f*cked up is that? By the way, don't need an interpretation on that one, I already have a's the elevator thing that has me stymied.

Okay all done shining a spotlight on my inner world...

oh wait, one more thing...I have been dreaming like a banshee since we got a memory foam pad for our bed. I mean dreaming off the roof! I dream and remember them almost every night , which is a good sign that I am getting REM sleep.

SO in an inadvertent way, I am recommending sleeping on foam.

What would Freud say?....


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making scents...

The reality of being an aging ingenue, is that, while my body may betray me...I can still smell sexy!
I tried out these fragrant oils by Lisa Hoffman, and they are "scentsational"....

You get four variations on the scent to layer through out the day and they are not OVERWHELMING!

Plus and I mean bonus plus, they come in a darling leather pouch, just to make your friends jealous!

My favorite is Tuscan Fig....I am an old timey Channel No.5 fan and this is close only it's an organic scent.

Go forth and smell well:


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Appetite Suppressant

Next time you get the urge to over-eat, read this it twice to induce vomiting:


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oblique and obsolete...

I love this website:

It is a comprehensive list of obsolete skills, many of which I old Invisi-Gal feels, yet so wise and useful in an obsolete kind of way.

I must go adjust the pendulum on my clock...

can you?


Miss Dial...

About once a month I get a wrong number call from this really sweet funny elderly lady. It's to the point that I recognize her name on the caller ID.

She starts with saying my first name which happens to be the first name of the person she THINKS she called and then we always get to the part when our last names don't match up... she'll tell me what number she dialed and I'll tell her that's not my number, it's one digit off.

We always laugh and she apologizes and I tell her there is no need to, because she is so sweet and her little raspy voice is so granny-cute...and then I hang up.

The great thing is that, I hang up with a big smile on my face, from a wrong number.

It actually brightens up the moment, this little mistake.

Makes you think differently about mistakes.


Friday, October 31, 2008

When it's in the bag, they fly their flag....

Well okay, I know it's polarizing to talk politics, especially when your blog isn't political, but this headline blew me away.

Freedom of the press is paramount, dear readers, and this is a very telling action by a candidate who has enjoyed big love by the press.

However, in the waning weeks of the election there has been an attempt to control the press by this candidate... very disturbing indeed.

Perhaps we should take a second look at this person.

Only dictators control the press, like crackpot Hugo Chavez.

Read and weep:

Journalists from three major newspapers -- each having endorsed John McCain -- reportedly have been booted from the Barack Obama campaign plane for the final leg of the presidential campaign.
The Washington Times reported Friday that they were notified of the Obama campaign's decision Thursday evening -- even though the paper has covered Obama from the start.
"I hope the candidate that promises to unite America isn't using a litmus test to determine who gets to cover his campaign," Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon said in the article
The New York Post and Dallas Morning News also have been kicked off Obama's plane, according to the Web site The Drudge Report.
The Washington Times has protested the campaign's decision.
Representatives from the Post and Morning News could not be reached immediately for comment.


suppression of freedom of the press and full disclosure is very serious .... and imagine if John McCain did would be front page news on all newspapers, and the lead on every major network newscast,wouldn't it?



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Evil Doppelganger time!

Ringer for Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl


What's that, a bat?

A crazy funky,junky,bat.

Never slept, over-dosey

tryin' to look like Bela Lugosi

We've been there,

O positive, that,

we run like hell

from your funky bat.


Monday, October 13, 2008

What happened to Halloween?

Don't get me wrong, now, I used to love Halloween. The whole free candy, stay out late, TP the Principal's house thing was great when I was a kid.

But, somewhere along the line, Halloween stopped being about inventive costumes and a few soaped windows and turned into the Serial Killer's Holiday.

How many movies do I have to endure about Jason, Freddy, Pinhead, Leather face etc...? People used to try and dress up like a space ship, now every one's dressed up like a victim that resembles chipped beef with ketchup.

Ewww and Ewww!

What happened to the somewhat innocent night of fun called Devil's night (the eve before the eve).
Placing a flaming bag of dog poop on someone's porch and ringing the bell and running away, got you a good chase by the neighbor . Now you have to worry about Hannibal Lechter at the door. I mean I can't even cook with fava beans anymore.

Can some one please just dress up like a garbage can or a dumb robot this year and buck the trend?

Invisi-gal will let you have the extra Snickers for that.


Invisi-gal has it all figured out....

The Democrats like to point out what's wrong with America....

and Republicans like to point out what's wrong with the Democrats....

thank you, thank you, thank you, now go talk amongst yourselves....


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Whiskey Sour grapes alert....

In my day (say this like an old codger) , it was a big no no to "drink and dial"...tee many martoonis could cause you to call an 'ex or boss and say something you can't take back or deny in court.

Invisi-gal has the summary judgements to prove it.

Today, folks have a different challenge, tends to give us bravo because we hide behind the keyboard and there is no face to imagine the emails that are written and sent when some of us get dog hammered DRUNK!

Well, the folks at Google have you covered my lushlife friends:


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Funniest picture on earth....

The perfect storm of Sarah Palin and Barack ...doesn't matter who you are voting for this is funny.
Nice teeth.


1) Listening to Glenn Beck today, he suggested we buy things now to use next year, when our dollar won't go as far. I listened, I shopped....3 pairs of shoes. Thanks Glenn.

2) Getting lots of mail from my financial advisor, urging clients not to panic. Like we aren't silently and if we did, what would it be worth?

3) Glad the Jewish New Year slowed everything down.

4) My son wore a tie for his class picture today. It was his decision.

5) Our Vet asked me to take my crazy dog to obedience school. How embarrassing.

6) Love, Love, Love, edamame! Wonder if the butter and salt is negating all benefits, hmmmm.


Friday, September 26, 2008

What's that, a cat?

A crazy, funky,
junky cat?

Over fed

too much catnip?

Havin' a Jerry Garcia

bad trip?

We've been there,

we've done that,

we run right past your funky cat......

Ground rules....

This elections stinks...and I'll tell you why, because once again we are all at each other's throats, divided,cranky and broken.

I was so hoping it wouldn't be this way. I am so tired of family members arguing at the dinner table, harboring grudges, eradicating so and so from the will, scratching names off the family tree, etc...

Workplaces are hostile, more than before.

We are in trouble and no one person is going to solve it. No One person caused it, and we refuse to see our own hands in this.

That's why we must take thoughtful action in communicating with each other during this time.

I recently responded to an email of political nature sent to me, with the following words....

"Not sure what it was you sent, I clicked on the link but there were several articles none of which where listed in the link...having said that, we have to set some ground rules partner, since we were raised well, and we want to remains pals, no political baiting or debating for that matter.
Last time I checked, the voting booths were a private affair and it's only your business who you vote for. So in a polite society, of which we are a minority, let's agree to privacy and civility, you ignorant slut. "

They responded immediately, called me a maverick and sent hugs and kisses.

I love this country!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wormburners deluxe...

This is how we roll in the burgh.
Brilliant move of Mr.Higinbotham (I loved typing this name) to yell "Fore!"'s the only way to get a golfer to pay attention.....

A serious drive at Cloverleaf
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
By Sadie Gurman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Golf was mixed with traces of NASCAR yesterday when a speeding SUV carrying five golfers zipped across fairways, slammed into a pine tree, spun around and burst into flames.
Dave Higinbotham watched the scene in horror from the third hole of the third nine of Delmont's Cloverleaf Golf Course. The SUV, he said, rushed up a hill, heading straight toward him at 50 mph.
It missed him, instead grazing his golf cart before zooming up the hill toward the tee of the fourth hole.
"I yelled as loud as I could yell, 'Fore, fore, fore!' " said Mr. Higinbotham, of Greensburg, who looked on as the SUV struck an oak tree and careened into a pine tree. It was the final stop on a crash course that sent five people to hospitals and golfers on a year-end outing scrambling for cover.
Mr. Higinbotham, 66, ran up the hill toward the fiery SUV, dialing 911 on his cell phone and shouting for his playing partners to help.
"I said, 'We've got to get these people out of the car,' " he said. Fellow golfers quickly joined Mr. Higinbotham, some in golf carts. "We pulled them out as gently as we could, then laid them on the ground."
Driver Paul Lazear, 82, and his four passengers, all from Wilkinsburg, were safe, but 2-foot flames still shot from SUV, Mr. Higinbotham said.
"I said, 'We've got to push this car out of the way, and away from these people,' " he said.
He and six other golfers started pushing, sliding the burning vehicle about 30 feet before emergency crews arrived and could treat the injured.
Mr. Lazear and passenger Carol Lazear, 72, were taken with minor injuries to Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital at Jeannette, state police said. Two other passengers, Ruth Daniels, 83, and Flora Lee Katz, 74, suffered moderate injuries and were treated at Westmoreland Hospital in Greensburg. A fifth passenger, Bertram Katz, 80, was flown to UPMC Presbyterian in Oakland. State police said all of the injured were expected to recover.
Mr. Lazear told police that he'd "lost his brakes and couldn't stop." His collision course started in the course's north parking lot, where police said he hit a parked car and kept driving, first across some large stones and then onto the golf course. He picked up speed as he headed west across the first hole of the first nine's tee box, and continued, just missing the clubhouse as he veered onto a path and back into the parking lot.
Mr. Lazear didn't stop there. He told police he couldn't.
They said he crossed Cloverleaf Drive through the south parking lot and again onto the golf course, gaining speed. Heading north, the SUV jumped a ditch and kept going, hitting a parked golf cart at the third hole of the third nine.
Pressing on, police said, the SUV hit an oak tree, then went out of control before "bouncing off" a pine tree and spinning in a circle. The vehicle stopped there, police said, completely in flames.
"It was burnt to an ashen shell," said Leonard Manns, who works in the pro shop and didn't see the crash but was told of it later. "It was freaky, that's for sure."
He said the fire left only a charred spot on the course.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Doomsday to be rescheduled....

Seems the presence of tons of helium can mess up the big bang machine, so we have a reprieve on the end of the world until 2009.

So whoop it up.


Monday, September 22, 2008, delayed in China

Dear readers, I have a story to tell. Though it may seem like a vacuous story about shopping, it's actually a tome on commerce.

Having already told you about the switching of my office to a breakfast room, of course a new light fixture would be in the works. I found the perfect one and ordered it over 2 weeks ago.

A week went by with no emails to tell me my online order was on it's way to illuminate my new breakfast I called the store (Home, love the name) and inquired as to what could be holding up my precious ship-in-2-days order.....turns out the Olympics created the delay...well sorta.
See dear readers, when China shut down their factories so the poor Olympians could breathe, orders for chandeliers, lamps, anything really, were literally stopped...STOPPED! So my little breakfast room pendant was now on back order until late November.
That explains the lack of many things on the shelves at the stores, and you thought it was the economy, you silly rabbits, didn't you.

Sooo, if you are planning any renovations in time for say, Thanksgiving or possibly Christmas, better check twice, because your items may not be available.
Or, as in my case, the very lighting fixture I seek is hanging in a showroom in Johnstown, Pennsylvania...which is a quick drive for Invisi-Gal and an excuse to visit Clarks' Corner store in Westmont to get one of their famous and shopping...only thing missing is nine holes of golf.

Invisi-Gal has informed you, now go on about your can thank me later.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No lion about this lion in church....

We forget when hurricanes like Ike blow through an area, that the animals are the most vulnerable....especially the ones on wild life preserves...this "puddy tat" found it's way into a church looking for lunch or bingo, whatever came first I suppose.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lorraine Bay, among the heroes of United Flight 93

Work to Do
words and music by Carol Lee Espy (c)2001

Listen: Work To Do

Life doesn't owe you any warnings,
although we all could use a few.
You go to work like any morning,
don't know what you'll be asked to do.

And you've got work to do
in the collecting of the courage
You've got work to do
deep in the grips of your goodbyes.
You've got work to do,
In a clear blue sky.

In every prayer there is that worry,
that our time was spent for good,
and now you're walking through the valley
one more minute, if you could

Now you've got work to do
in the collecting of the courage
you've got work to do
deep in the grips of your goodbyes
you've got work to do
in a clear blue sky.

You wouldn't call yourself a hero
you only did what folks would do
but as this folk looks in the mirror
I have to wonder if that's true

And you've got work to do,
in the collecting of the courage
You've got work to do
deep in the grips of those goodbyes
You've got work to do
in a clear blue sky

in a clear blue sky.....

Monday, September 8, 2008


Invisi-Gal is all for research and bringing forth great minds, but may I just say, I am glad this motherf*cker is in Geneva, Switzerland and not here in the Burgh....especially since they are whoa, "testing" it this week.

...and y'all think Sarah Palin is scary....silly rabbits.


...for the uninitiated, see Sept 1st blog below "Quantum Mojo Rising"


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Feed Your Head...

!) I love this website, you can build your own radio station, so while I work at the computer, I can listen to the music I want to hear...if you don't like a song, you hit the "thumbs down" button and it plays a new song....such a's so easy and it's the future of radio!

@) Invisi-Gal has secret yearning to do what Michelle Dresbold does...she is a handwriting analyst and she is GOOD...I love her book and now I look at every body's handwriting to see what their deep dark secrets might be whether they are Jack the Ripper or Mother Teresa.

#) Do we really need a building this tall? I'm not sure dear readers, but I can tell ya, Invisi-Gal will NOT be waiting for an elevator in this building, just imagine the lines!

$) Problems with your golf swing?

%) You know what they say, the dog you choose says sooooo much about's Invisi-Gal's dog:

^) If you live in Western Pa (howdy, Mam...) it would behoove you, BEHOOVE you, to plant native plants. It only makes sense dears, plus it makes you look like you have such a green thumb. The lovely hosta is a perfect example:

&) If you are interested in your genealogy and live in Pittsburgh, here are some great connections for me, many people are born and raised here for several generations, and they just can't bring themselves to leave. So you might as well dig in and find out who brought your silly ass here.

....this ought to keep you busy, now I must go and try to rid myself of the slice that has been boogering up my game....



Monday, September 1, 2008

Shrek Wreck...

What's that? A purse?

A crazy funky-junkie purse?

Overslept? Too many Molsons?

Tryin' to look like MaryKate Olsen?

We've been there,

We've done worse,

We see right through your funky purse....


Quantum Mojo Rising....

They still don't know what holds it all together, it's an energy unknown...Invisi-Gal thinks it's divine love. But then again me thinks dreams are real and reality is a dream...row, row, row, your boat gently down the stream.



Triple X Files....

What in tarnation is going on down there? David is that you? What's all this mess on my computer screen?

Why does the FCC want to look at my hard drive?

Hey, is this a new movie script you're reading? Harvest of Shame?

David, can you hear me..... DAVID?


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Smug Alert.....

I can't help it, this cracks me up...


Brats 1 Parents 0

Got time for a story ? Fill up the coffee the way, I am playing "Take me to the River" the Talking Heads version as I write might want to listen to it as I tell this story...

We spent our last day of the summer at the pool today...they close tomorrow. Sad isn't it? Pool closes, sun sets earlier, school starts etc...

It wouldn't have been half bad if I didn't have to listen to the continuous drama of Evan the Terrible.

Evan is a boy about 7 or 8 years old. Yet he exhibits the manipulative screaming skills of the most experienced fishwife.

And by the by, why is it that every kid I ever met named Evan turned out to be the spawn of Satan?

Take me to the river, drop me in the water...sing along with me , come on work with me here....

Evan was screaming all day in the pool at the top of his lungs, screaming "I hate you Dad!" "I will kill you" and and other fine platitudes.

We all had to listen to Evan, Evan crying, Evan screaming, Evan controlling, Evan getting Evan's way, Evan every teacher's nightmare, Evan I will destroy the first woman I marry, Evan the therapist's wet dream, Evan disrupting the rest of every one's nice Sunday at the pool.

His father told him to be quiet.

We all prayed for that, but Evan, likeness-of-Lucifer-heir-to-Beelzebub's-kingdom-supreme -pain-in-the-psyche, never shut up, noooooo, nooooo, Evan just got louder.

His father threatened to take him home, several times.

Once again we all prayed that it would actually happen.

They stayed until 7:30pm.

Take me to the river, drop me in the water....singing, we are singing...

His father's threats were empty, he never followed through on them, you see, Evan already had that advanced knowledge, Dad never follows through, that is the freedom which fuels this little country club terrorist.

He said things to his father that made everyone cringe (cringing in the deep end my dears), and in my mind I know that if I had ever acted like that, no wait, even THOUGHT about acting like that to my father, they would've been scraping me off the pool floor.... I say that metaphorically, no need to call social services.

Later, at home, I made sure to give my son a big hug... so happy we didn't name him Evan... so happy that he feels loved and he doesn't feel the emptiness that creates an unhappy Evan from the pool.

Take me to the river, washing me down, washing me down... people, we are still singing here....


Summer's Loss

I'm not sure why this "bugs" me so much but it nearly drove me to tears reading this. My greatest sense of summer lies somewhere between the scent of freshly mowed grass and the sight of fireflies ...these articles are devastating:,2933,413981,00.html

If you get a chance, go do this next June, and keep the memory close to your heart:

Here's a taste of fireflies in NYC:


On a clear day...

Now that I am writing from the sunroom, I have noticed how dirty the windows did THAT happen?

Invisi-Gal must do windows...please don't breathe a word of this, I could lose my membership in the D.A.R.

But I figure, it's okay if Martha does it, and she looks so happy!

I bought a squeegee on steroids from the sweetest Ace Hardware in Cranberry, Pa. It's like the old time hardware experience, where the old gent helps you and knows where everything is... Then the woman at the counter told me how much she loves this squeegee...I love her for that.

Oh, and can I tell you another thingy? Our dehumidifier broke, bad bad Kenmore, so I went on line, online maven that I am, and found the perfect replacement.

Here's a tip : when researching ANYTHING, find the fringe extremist website associated with the product you seek.

I went to an allergy sufferer's website for the dehumidifier, and let me tell you, these folks are picky and organized and detail oriented.

I found my dehumidifier in their top 3 picky picks (ComfortAire), and it was at...Ace Hardware (precious) it was affordable and runs like a champ and we are no longer living a musty western Pa existence.

Aren't ya glad you read this whole thing, are you surprised you did?

I could've finished washing the windows by now....


From the sunny side of the street....

Invisi-Gal has been living under renovation circumstances, my office was moved into another room in the house (with a stunning view) and I am finally at my desk typing away.

Since then we have seen Sarah Palin hit the news, Gustav makes his way to NOLA, and school is back in session. So much can happen in 4 days.

I can't say enough about stunning views while you are writing, it's imperative to have one. Only problem is, you day dream more than you write.

I need to get my priorities straight...

Now, who's going to buy me breakfast and a round of golf?


Monday, August 25, 2008

My Cupholders runneth over.....

Dear readers I have been such a bad blogger. The past week has been a blur of activities from golf to golf to golf, and oh yeah , buying a car.

Would you indulge me as I sing the praises of ?

I perused it daily for 2 weeks , zeroing in on the exact perfect vehicle, all the while dissecting the free car fax links...if the dealer didn't offer a look at a free Car Fax, I 86'ed him off the list!

I found the perfect car, the perfect dealer and bought a car in less than 2 weeks with only 1 visit to a dealer's lot. What a coup!

Less time looking at cars equals more time on the golf course...that is the perfect equation.

AND may I say, Invisi-Gal felt extremely visible in the dealership...because they know who makes the car decisions...and apparently studies have shown it is all based on the amount of cup holders in the car...can you believe it? Women run the auto economy based on the number of cupholders a manufacturer provides in a car...gotta put that Starbucks-double-shot-plus-energy somewhere while ya drive ;)

By the way, my car has 6 count 'em, 6 big cupholder wampum.


Friday, August 15, 2008

The Hills are alive!

What's that?

A hat?

A crazy funky junkie hat?

Overslept, hair unsightly,

tryin' to look like Kiera Knightley.

We've been there

We've done that

We see right through your funky hat.

(proudly stolen from Wizards of Waverly Place)

Invisi-Gal is so excited about guilty pleasure numero uno, The Hills, coming back from hiatus this Monday. I think I shall just die, or eat chocolate, whatever....


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Betcha can't eat just one....

Invisi-Gal has a long history of potato chip abuse. It is the one thing, I can't walk away from, and I have walked away from husbands, contracts, rude people, expensive jewelry, large amounts of money etc....

But a potato chip...never.

I even have to make it a religious experience in order to curtail my munching as in giving them up for Lent, AND I AM NOT CATHOLIC...but 40 days later, I am back at it, caressing my Ruffles with ridges and choosing the oh ,so, perfect chip dip accessory for the moment.

Then I read this:

game over, until they change the chip.

Invisi-Gal will now be wearing all black (even more than usual) in mourning.

...I am so bummed....

General Tsao's chickens....

This is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Montauk Monster reduced to garbage can bandit...

Here's a reasonable explanation, however it's still disturbing about the rope-like cloth around the "paws"

*Scroll down several posts for the original the story.....


This is your egg on drugs....

LANSDALE, Pa. — A suburban Philadelphia couple is accused of damaging the property of more than 400 people during an 18-month egging spree.
According to court documents, Philip Fleck and his girlfriend, Heather Darcy, admitted to the vandalism.
Police say the couple wanted to retaliate against friends for damages they said were inflicted upon them — but the couple also egged other people to draw suspicion away from them.
Police say Fleck and Darcy caused more than $7,000 in damages.
Letters have been sent to residents of Lansdale asking victims to come forward. Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman says her office has an obligation to get restitution for them.
Darcy's mother, Cindy Darcy, says the case is "being blown way out of proportion."
Officials at the Montgomery County Courthouse say it does not yet appear that either defendant has an attorney.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mom on Strike...

SO Invisi-Gal got her dander up today( darlings, I don't really have dander, just a vulgar saying) and declared ON STRIKE....It's one thing to be invisible to the world (shoplifting a bonus) but to have your own family and DNA-sharers treat you as such is well, just not tolerable.

To quote Glenn Close in FAtal Attraction "I will not be ignored..."

So , I am on strike just like the writers guild and the UAW and teachers...the fam will have to fend for themselves, and then when I get a proper apology and full grovel I will consider my options!

SO I march on (mostly on the golf course) for all disenfranchised moms out there, pushing the middle age to the wall shouting , "Get it yourself. I'm on strike!".

OOOOH feels good just writing this. Maybe this whole strike thing could be a bi-annual thing...mawwwahhhh.

Maybe a visit to the spa is in order...


News that's fit to pinch.

Pass the Cool Ranch Doritos:

I want what they're pickin':

Say it with paint:

I'm just sayin' ... and prayin':

You are my sunshine:

Booga booga perspective on solar eclipse this Friday:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here are two things you need to know about...

They have just about anything you go to the drugstore for, but no sales tax and free shipping.

I am addicted to this website, these people brainstorm and join together to solve crimes, they are intelligent and savvy and connected AND the moderators bump off anybody acting like a jerk immediately. Invisi-Gal appreciates jerks being bumped off.

Now can I go play golf?

You betcha!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In case you missed it the first time...

This video ranks right up there with "Charlie Bit ME", and the "Laughing Baby" as one of my all time favorites.
I love this dog, but, I am glad I don't live next door to him.


Will wonders never cease?

This is a miracle of customer service , I wrote an email to Costco, see blog below...and lo and behold, I get a phone call from the manager of the store and he gets my story and apologizes!

When in the world does THAT ever happen.

Invisi-Gal is impressed...

I will give Costco another chance, as I promised the manager I would.....

off I go......

Monday, July 21, 2008

Let's face it dear reader, we all have been reduced to shopping at places like Sam's Club and Costco in order to save a buck.

Invisi-Gal has been a member of Sam's Club for awhile, and I never really expect anything other than low prices on large amounts of products that you'll never use unless you have 5 children and a small business.

Sam's has always been nice and clean and there's always someone handing you free food.

Over the years everyone has been saying, "Darling you must go to Costco , it's sooooo much better than Sam's AND the merchandise is higher end".

Higher end at a discount wharehouse?

I finally caved, and went to a Costco....okay, higher end vehicles parked in the lot, I do admit, but that is where the HIGHER END, ends.

Here is a copy of the letter I sent to corporate Costco:

We purchased a Costco executive business membership yesterday at your Cranberry Pa location, and it was a nightmare.

I must start by saying that the woman who waited on us was incredible and deserves a raise or promotion. While she was explaning the different types of membership, a very rude and smart mouthed young man ( I imagine he was her manager) hung over her and actually said in reference to what membership we should take ,"If you don't go big, go home".

He was demeaning to her and us and I was ready to give him a mouthful myself on how rude and inexperienced he was. The woman waiting on us, was the type of employee you want and I pity that she has to work with that insolent jerk.

We headed over to electronics to purchase a flat screen tv and no one waited on us for a long long time, finally some man with a walkie talkie came by and called up whoever is supposed to be in sales and in walked some "kid" sipping a soft drink ...we asked about the tvs and he only said , "Buy a Vizio, you get more bang for your buck". Astounding sales advice.

We said we would like to view the differences between the other tvs (several LCDs were off because of a power outage according to the soft drink sipping saleskid) so he said "Give me 10 minutes, I'll get them up and running).

We waited 15 minutes then went to look for the saleskid who totally disappeared, and found him by a coffee machine doing God knows what.

My husband asked him if he was going to get the TVs running so we could decide what to buy and saleskid said, "yeah"...we walked back to electronics and he never put them back on.

We walked out of your Cranberry Pa.,Costco Wharehouse feeling like idiots for spending $100.00 on a membership.

I have purchased the TV elsewhere, for less money , free shipping and no sales tax.

You lost a sale, a customer, and you now have someone out there telling the story of the massive incompetence of your store. What an unorganized nightmare it was, and by the way, the cafe area was filthy.

So there you have it. So much for high end Costco...ha!

Invisi-Gal is a seasoned and savvy shopper and this experience gave her a big rash... and I won't say where.

It was an excellent reminder on why we should shop at owner operated stores.

Here is the store where I purchased the flat screen tv:

Happy shopping....
