Monday, October 13, 2008

What happened to Halloween?

Don't get me wrong, now, I used to love Halloween. The whole free candy, stay out late, TP the Principal's house thing was great when I was a kid.

But, somewhere along the line, Halloween stopped being about inventive costumes and a few soaped windows and turned into the Serial Killer's Holiday.

How many movies do I have to endure about Jason, Freddy, Pinhead, Leather face etc...? People used to try and dress up like a space ship, now every one's dressed up like a victim that resembles chipped beef with ketchup.

Ewww and Ewww!

What happened to the somewhat innocent night of fun called Devil's night (the eve before the eve).
Placing a flaming bag of dog poop on someone's porch and ringing the bell and running away, got you a good chase by the neighbor . Now you have to worry about Hannibal Lechter at the door. I mean I can't even cook with fava beans anymore.

Can some one please just dress up like a garbage can or a dumb robot this year and buck the trend?

Invisi-gal will let you have the extra Snickers for that.


1 comment:

Hil said...

I will be a garbage can I think it will be very fitting considering the circumstances n'at. :)