Thursday, December 18, 2008

In the air there's a feeling of Stressmass

I've seen this house and all it's lights, it's on a little one-way street. It's a sweet little neighborhood and I'm sure folks moved there because it's so private. Except for this guy.
The holidays are now marred with tons of strangers checking out the lights and a constant flash of lights in your window all night.

It's telling that he is a divorced male who's grown children don't speak to him. This display is not about Christmas spirit it is about "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!"

I have neighbors who display multiple inflatables in their yard....although this year, mercifully there has been no such Sam's Club display...they may have come to the realization that it cost money to run those monstrosities, and they have 3 kids to put through college. Imagine explaining the lack of college funds due to blowing it on lawn decorations and other stuff that really doesn't matter.

So Invisi-Gal is so glad she doesn't live near Mr. Payattentiontome, and that her neighbors just might understand Christmas is in the heart and not in the yard this year.


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