Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mom on Strike...

SO Invisi-Gal got her dander up today( darlings, I don't really have dander, just a vulgar saying) and declared ON STRIKE....It's one thing to be invisible to the world (shoplifting a bonus) but to have your own family and DNA-sharers treat you as such is well, just not tolerable.

To quote Glenn Close in FAtal Attraction "I will not be ignored..."

So , I am on strike just like the writers guild and the UAW and teachers...the fam will have to fend for themselves, and then when I get a proper apology and full grovel I will consider my options!

SO I march on (mostly on the golf course) for all disenfranchised moms out there, pushing the middle age to the wall shouting , "Get it yourself. I'm on strike!".

OOOOH feels good just writing this. Maybe this whole strike thing could be a bi-annual thing...mawwwahhhh.

Maybe a visit to the spa is in order...



Saffron's Pages said...

Boy, do I know how you feel. Good luck with the strike..don't stop till there has been a proper level of groveling. DNA sharers tend to forget quickly.

Invisi-Gal said...

True that Saffron, so far in 24 hours, visible strain on the husband and tons of hugs and kisses and a note of apology (with full color "I'm sorry" no less) from the DNA sharer.
Let the grovel begin!