Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday USA from the Burgh!

Happy Birthday America, let's work to keep this thing going !

Here are some suggestions:


Fly your flag today

Pay off your credit cards

Conserve gas and energy in your home

Thank a veteran

Send a care package to someone serving in the armed forces

Mow your lawn and pick up the garbage in your yard

Teach your children manners

Honor your parents

Help the elderly in your neighborhood

If you see a child in trouble, call the police

Don't tailgate

Stay put, the house you live in now is perfect

Dress nicely for travel, funerals and church
no flip flops for cryin' out loud

Donate money to your local volunteer firefighters

Keep your temper in traffic


Read the Declaration of Independence
Watch the Longest Day
Visit Ground Zero
Visit Pearl Harbor
Grow a garden, anywhere
Be kind to God's creatures big and small
Teach your children the pledge of allegiance
Smile, wave, sing, anything but whine
Leave the fireworks to the professionals
Eat too much picnic food then walk it off with your kids and have a great chat
Celebrate , this is your birthday too!

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