Thursday, May 1, 2008

Who's screwing who?

Just in case dear female readers, that you have been lulled into thinking that in this day and age, you are on equal footing with your male counterparts, please read this article:

None of the MEN who participated in this D.C. Madam's house have been prosecuted, and I am pretty sure they all still employable (one resignation that I know of), the rest are just fine. They just contritely apologize and all is forgiven. Oh, yeah and they are still alive.

Deborah Jeane Palfry lost her livelihood, and her future freedom. Now she is dead.
I don't care if prostitution illegal, everyone involved was aware of that and yet the dame gets thrown under the bus.

The inequity of this makes me shudder, both sides of the coin should pay, the prostitute and the Johns.

By the way, prostitution is not the oldest profession in the world, begging is, because someone had to ask for it.



HeyI'mNot50!yet said...

Don't get me going about this - check out what happens to you if you're busted here in Allegheny - you go to "JOHN School". Oh and the city rate is 10 bucks,yepper a peice of your soul not ass for 2 Bic Mac value meals.
No such wonder that the huge gender salary gap is alive and well here.
Like I said,don't get me going....

Invisi-Gal said...

Invisi-Gal agrees...women get the short end of the stick...literally.