Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Invisi-Gal must apologize for the lack of postings. See the image above? That is the reason.

That is a photo of the bug that causes strep throat which I have.

It layed me low and all I could do for the past few days, was lay in bed and play with my Mother's Day present. It's a Nintendo DS Lite.

I have been coveting one for a long time now.

I know, I know what you're thinking, Nintendos are the toys of 11 year old boys , but they have this great game called Brian Age, which is a daily brain exerciser.

Apparently I was in dire need of it. It measures your brain age in a few exercises.

The first time I did the test, my brain age was 80 years old.

I blame it on the strep.


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