Monday, May 19, 2008

Teed off...

Sometimes I wish I had never started playing golf again....even though I love to play when I's the best time in the world to spend with my son...and I love being outside...

HOWEVER, being a woman, it pains me to no end to have to buy golf shoes.

Can you believe it? Golf makes for a BAD SHOE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE...oh, I just threw up a little in my mouth saying those words.

Peruse any major golf retailer and there are usually 30 plus style selections in golf shoes for men...and for the women? 10 maybe 12 different styles.

Men can't even process 30 styles in their little non fashion consumer heads!

Hey golf people, women are major shoe buyers! DO the words Jimmy Choo mean anything to you? Women will spend $500.00 dollars on a shoe with one tiny strap on it....don't you get it?

Anything we can turn into a fashion extravaganza, we will.

Get with the plan and order some damn shoes, and they don't all have to be PINK...only Paris Hilton and Boo Boo Kitty wear PINK!


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