Friday, February 15, 2008

Tead Off...

Okay, first of all I am a creature of habit in the sense that I like things MY WAY.

Meaning, I need my Constant Comment Green Tea in the morning.

I like that particular brand and flavor because it has FLAVOR , let's face it, green tea tastes like someone steeped up a leaf of nothing, 'kay?

After an exhaustive search of supermarkets I hit the motherlode at a local Giant Eagle. Now I must tell you, I hate this location because it's parking lot is like the bumper car ride at Kennywood with senior citizens and it's so massive you need a passport to get from the bakery section to the meat section.

But I go there because they carry Constant Comment Green Tea.

Until three weeks ago.

I waltzed up to the Bigelow tea section ready to pluck my CCGT from the shelf and to my cranky amazement, they had NINE MILLION types of green tea but not my CCGT.

I stood there for about 10 minutes thinking that maybe I could make it appear with sheer I -can't-believe-this-shit-will.

Hey, are you at the part where you think, "who the hell cares about tea so much" yet?

Goood, then I go on....

SO I ask the young stocker babe nearby "Aren't you guys carrying Constant Comment Green tea anymore?".

She gives me the look like I could almost be invisible, as in, you're too old to have have a cool purse like that kinda thing.
She goes over to the teas, looks at the NINE MILLION types of green tea and says in a most dissmissive tone "I'll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow".

TO which I replied, "You guys have meetings about stuff like that?"

She just kept walking away.

I felt like a chump with a cool purse.

The next time I was there , no CCGT.

So I ordered online from the Bigelow website, you have to by a case of it.

My UPS guy had to walk up our 500 foot ice covered driveway to deliver it.

I had to clear out space in my pantry to store it.

I was at the Giant Eagle today buying my other mania, Static Guard (Please God, don't let them run out of THAT) and there on the Bigelow Shelf was about 20 boxes of CCGT.

They really do have meetings about stuff like that.


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