Monday, March 17, 2008

Up your Keister for Easter...

I can't help it, I love Easter....mainly because Lent ends, and I can have my beloved potato chips !

Okay it's deeper than that, the Resurrection of Christ is the miracle inside all of us.

But, back to the potato chips. I did lapse, dear readers, on a recent trip to Nashville. You know how when you travel, your sense of time and place gets completely boogered? Well, I forgot all about Lent and dove into a bowl of chips at a party.

Rest assured, if there is a ten year old in the house, they will remind you of ANYTHING you have forgotten; like to sign their permission slip for the field trip, or TODAY is Picture Day at school, or didn't Mommy give up potato chips for Lent?

I recoiled in abject horror at the error of my ways and moved on to the pretzels.

So Easter Sunday, we shall bite the heads off the "Peeps" (now available in purple!), eat chocolate bunnies, and devour Ruffles with ridges and chip dip.

All the while trying to figure out what the connection is with Christianity.

Bon Appetit!



Unknown said...

Maybe pace yourself a little on Easter Sunday... I'm thinking the chocolate, Peep, potato chip-n-dip combo might just send your system into shock. :)

Invisi-Gal said...

I got it covered, I figure if I forgo the ham, I'm halfway there to chip dip heaven! Woo hoo!