Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer into the wind...

I can't say what I would do if my husband publicly humiliated me, spent the kids college tuition on hookers, and possibly exposed me to some serious STD's.

Oh yeah, and just blew our future to smithereens.

But I can say I would find it hard to stand next to him without having his balls in a vise-grip.

Invisi-Gal knows she is invisible but that doesn't mean forgettable.


I think it's time we let them stand at the podium alone. Let all eyes be on them and not prop the wife up there to draw media fire.
Does it take strength to stand up there?
No, it takes 3 Valium and a shot of Jack Daniels while a bunch of white men tell you how to act and what to say..
That's a bunch of bullshit.

Let them stand alone.



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