Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daddy's little girl...

I have become my father.

My father was the guy in the neighborhood that would chase you down if you drove by our house too fast.

He would be screaming "Slow down!!" the whole time.
He would chase you down on foot, and still catch you.
And in the winter, don't even THINK about lobbing a snowball at his car. You would be eating it.

Eventually, everyone learned about the "Slow down" guy and avoided our street like the plague. Only the uninitiated incurred the wrath of my father, traffic czar.

Today, as I was driving around a dangerous curve, I heard screeching tires to the left of me.
I saw a kid driving out of control and almost slamming into the side of my car. He was driving so fast, I was only able to catch up to him because of a ton of traffic at the next red light.

I pulled up in the lane next to him and called the police on my cell and gave them his license plate number.

Right before that, I am sure I was screaming,"Slow Down !!" the whole time.

DNA is a hard taskmaster my dear ones.



1 comment:

gunn said...

If we live long enough, we become our parents.