Wednesday, January 16, 2008

aging ingenue and the 5 finger discount

Turning 50, whoa.

I am now officially invisible. I think it started around 47.

I used to be the the highly visible babe, but slowly, quietly, through raising children, working stressful jobs, taking care of elderly parents, it hit....invisible.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining. ... I get it, I now have super powers.

I am Invisa-Gal.

I wear a cape (okay it's a poncho) not because I'm hiding fat, it's in case I need to fly off to solve some problem, like who gets to use the Wii first or where's the dog's leash or which Medicare part D program should my friend chose for her father?

Being invisible has it's perks:

1. I can shoplift

2. No need to use the lintbrush on the velvet pants, no one is looking.

3. It doesn't matter if I put on makeup to walk down the street, no one is looking = no one sees me.

4. I can indeed blow my nose at the red light and check for boogers in my rear view mirror.

See what I mean? Perks is perks.


HeyI'mNot50!yet said...

I know I've gushed about the hunky police... I suggest you stick to the invalid car registration tactic.
Do I get a prize for being the first poster?

Invisi-Gal said...

How exciting, a blog from someone under 50! You are still visible, that's your prize.

littlepieceof said...

i'm 18 days away from that number and i am finally being noticed. i have more men than i can handle, i don't dye my hair, just started getting bikini waxes... nothing like a spray tan to hide cellulite, veins and an aging face... but no worry, i just had laser surgery on my face today. it hurt like no one's business. i plan to slide into this number with absolute grace.

Invisi-Gal said...

I know women like you,you are what we refer to as a Late Bloomer , therefore you get a free pass until 60. It totaly works in your favor... very common among California girls.
Now go have fun, you bought an extra 10 years.