Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yes you heard me, Invisi-Gal is telling you how much easier your life would be, if you would just listen to the women in your life over the age of 50...

...one caveat however, I would caution to steer clear of the over 50 bitter ones...they are easy to spot, they flirt with your husband (because their's ran away a long time ago), they make sure to say things like "Lovely dress, I almost bought it when it came out last year."... and they tell you how your children will end up hating you too....RUN from these women...

Now having said that, if you are lucky enough to encounter an over 50 woman who is mentally intact, and she has engaged you in conversation...do listen.

Sometimes it's a simple comment at a register..."Oh I love those shoes, (and wait for the lean-in) I wish I could get back all the money that I spent on $250.00 shoes when I was your age" .

Here's the one I love...overheard at a Starbucks..."You really don't need extra life insurance, what you need is disability insurance"...best advice I ever heard and it came from an over 5o gal.

And of course my favorite..."only buy a house that needs to be renovated if you're under the age of 40..otherwise start looking for a home with a first floor master suite."

Child rearing tips are my favorite..."The word "No" is not a swear word , dammit."

or the wise "Let the kids eat dirt, I did, and I'm fine".

Also understand that Invisi-Gals comment by not saying anything....like when you pick the vomit yellow paint for the kitchen...not a blessed word is heard.

Advice on love is this simple...."Never marry a man who doesn't get along with his mother, because you will spend the better (or for worse) part of your marriage convincing him that you are not his mother".

So next time you are in the Supermarket and your toddler is cranking and the baby is screaming and you are dropping sippy cups on the floor and a woman over 50 steps in to help you by distracting the low blood sugar toddler so you can reset the baby back in the cart...

when she comments that they often give free cheese to kids at the deli counter (a nice way to say...your kid is hungry, dear)...

don't see it as a judgement, or interference...

she has been there...

shut up and listen....

she knows what she's talking about...


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