SO much is going on, Invisi-Gal is spinning like a dervish on are some odds n' ends to consider...
1) Charlie Sheen is not only NOT sober, he is exhibiting brain damage from drug abuse...of course dear readers, I am NOT a doctor, but I know a when the all the tools in the shed are dull, it's time to close up shop and sell the farm.
2) By his own admission AFL-CIO Union Emperor, Richard Trumka... talks with the White House everyday....he also believes that raising taxes create jobs...oops I just threw up a little on that one...also, while his union has been dying financially , he has raised his own pay to double since 2000...let's play AUDIT THE UNIONS...won't that be fun? See how much his own members have lost....
3) Ball room dancing will save many marriages, because it is one of the few times the man of the house can actually lead and tell his wife what to do.... she must be a calm submissive, just like a day with the Dog Whisperer.
4) Fashion is full swing back to the 70's...I was a teenager then, during the Recession, does this mean we have to sit in gas lines again? Is fashion the new crystal ball?
5) Chicken pot pie is a labor of love.
6) Kettleball workouts were developed by sadists, sadists with great bodies.
7) University of Central Florida is facing down an appearance by a radical Imam to speak to the Muslim student society there , and I wait patiently for good, peaceful Muslims to protest his appearance...still waiting.