Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An Open Letter to NBC News with Brian Williams

Dear Sirs or Madams,

Did I hear Brian Williams correctly tonight...did he use the word "insurgent" when referring to the mostly Tea Party candidates in his report tonight?

What incendiary biased influence peddling was that?

While the word "insurgent" may be somewhat of a word search moment, he most obviously knew that those watching would key in to the word as one used to
describe hostile combatants of US Troops in Afghanistan or Iraq.
Insurgent is also akin to the word terrorist in our modern newspeak.

Mr.Williams has lost all credibility as a newsman to go as far to tag Americans who are exercising their rights as "insurgents".
He has certainly flown his preference flag and has lost the honor to wear the mantle of the neutral newsman.

His bias cheapens the broadcast.

You have lost a family of viewers, respect, and credibility on this one.

You are not above have insulted many Americans with this elitist eyebrow lift and boorish vocabulary call.

Yours truly,



1 comment:

gunn said...

I read without great surprise your open letter. I'm not a big fan of Mr Williams a his slanted "reporting". I missed that particular broadcast so I'm happy to have read your post.
Couric lost me a long time ago , and most others are just as biased . It's no wonder many Americans think John Stewart is an authentic news source.
I off to watch FOX NEWS.