Sunday, October 3, 2010

The falsehood of audacity and the time bomb that is Iran...

In a not surprising speech this week, Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for U.S. leaders to be "buried" in response to what he says are American threats of military attacks against Tehran's nuclear program. His particular words of insult were specific death threats in his native tongue.

All this less than a month after Holocaust denier, and resident madman, Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations declaring 911 an inside job, a direct and astounding insult to us as a nation...

I am amazed that I still hear snickers among American, just like the ones we heard as we watched the rag tagged Taliban fighters in the black and white training videos from Afghanistan shortly before 911....little did we know they were systematically plotting the most horrific assault ever on US soil.

We treat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a spoiled out of control toddler in the checkout line at the grocery store, snicker, point and ignore.

In 2009, I had issue with the fact that President Obama was willing to engage in talks with Iran without pre-conditions, not because I don't believe in diplomacy , but because I was stunned by his audacity.

Did he really think that he would be the ONE who would convince , through his super ultra intelligence, this rabid Iranian leader to put down his unwavering beliefs and weapons and listen to him? Did he really think he would step in and show us how it's done..that the leaders and diplomats before him were rubes, and he was so much smarter then they?

Who did this half term Senator-Oprah-book-club-pick-idealogue think he was fooling? I guess he was banking on the fact that if we were naive enough to elect him to the highest office in the land, that we were indeed not as smart as he.

Obama, along with David Axelrod, packaged a finely tuned Too Smart For the Room campaign. Levied by hatred for Bush and buoyed by the promise of a decent candidate post John Kerry, they slid this inexperienced man right on through to the Oval Office.

The mere mention of negotiating with mad man Mahmoud Ahmadinejad showed no working knowledge of foreign policy and left half of the country thinking..."Does this guy read the newspapers?".

What kind of open dialogue can you have with a Holocaust denier, Sharia stoning death enforcer, and someone who wishes to "wipe Israel from the face of the earth"?

As this administration fiddles, Iran has slowly and PUBLICLY assembled the biggest nightmare imaginable; nuclear capability owned and operated by an unstable hateful theocratic leader... Ahmadinejad can't wait to fire the first shot and it won't be across the bow...

In the meantime, Obama has conducted drone wars in Afghanistan, pulled down troops in Iran and distracted the country with a deeply flawed and, according to 67% of Americans, unwanted Health Care Bill...

he turned Washington into his spending-taxing-cash printing press...

bolstered division among parties through speeches,

and sunk to a new low in popularity polls among his own adoring fans...

and we watch as his economic advisers,

like the proverbial rats jumping ship over their own failure,

trip on each other as they run from the White House,

His leadership as CIC saw the deadliest 18 months in Iraq/Afghanistan since the beginning of the war

...and faced with opposition and exposure of his term's failures, he draws George Bush like a loaded blame gun every chance he gets.

Which can only cause this voter to say."You need to cowboy up and stop the whining and get yourself some help from people who know what the hell they're doing, because you certainly don't."

Sure, along with Ashley Judd, Obama is a Harvard grad, and he's a great community organizer, but to put it in plain speak...I would rather have the licensed qualified surgeon who's operated before do the operation than the guy who studied a book on medicine and has the audacity to raise the scalpel, and bluster his superior knowledge of the procedure he's never done.

Our president now faces a real and dangerous threat from a man capable of carrying it out...the rest of the world, who has no delusions about the intentions of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his sinister nuclear ambitions, waits to see if the leader of the free world will stand by his title.

My guess would be that president Obama, whose leadership negating liberation theology, is uncomfortable with the responsibility of having to vanquish this enemy and become in turn, a benevolent victor.

So we are left as a nation, led by the falsehood of audacity and the time bomb that is Iran.

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