Monday, February 2, 2009

All Hail Ceasar....

The last three weeks I have been in and out of Atlantic City. My father , who resides in Ocean City NJ, is in the Atlantic City ICU/Trauma wing.

It's right next to the Frank Sinatra wing, my father's favorite entertainer.

Each time I go to the hospital, I park in their parking lot , which they share with Ceasars parking lot.

No not the emperor, the casino.

Starting on Thursday, the lot is so jammed, you can barely find a space.There is a steady stream of cars heading up the ramps to park as close to the casino elevators as possible.

They look like salmon intent on that swim up stream to insure their very survival.

The folks behind the wheels are every age, every ethnic background,every economic level. Sometimes they get lost and wander into the hospital reception area looking for slot machines.

At one point my sister and I, slightly punch drunk from lack of sleep and stress, could barely cross the parking garage to get to our car due to the stream of cars heading up, up, up.And I yelled, "Hey!...don't you people know that we're in a recession?"

I was completely ignored,

no response....unless you count the constant rush of traffic which almost sounded like the ocean, except for the occassional squeal of tires.

Maybe the word hasn't reached Atlantic City....what are the odds on that?


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