Saturday, November 29, 2008

See Yinz, Pitt Girl....a cautionary tale.

I will miss Pitt Girl, I read the Burgh Blog almost everyday. Life is local, politics is local, love is local, The Burgh Blog was local.

It was a blog that created it's own neighborhood, language and if I'd had a crack at it, a theme song.

Thanks Pitt Girl (by the way I always thought you were some really witty gay guy ala Oscar Wilde), as we never say goodbye in the burgh, we just say, "See yinz"....


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I like to think I am grateful, but I'm not really as grateful as I should be. It's a good thing we have Thanksgiving, it makes us pause and think about our lives, to take stock and stop the whining.

This collage by is titled "Thanks" kind of sums it all up for me.

Happy Thanksgiving, blessings to you.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Divorce, really.

Invisi-Gal feels very old timey these days. It's hard for me to imagine that people meet on line in virtual reality and then get married in real life and then have affairs in virtual reality and then get divorced in real life.

My head is virtually spinning, for real:


Calling Dr.Freud, Dr.Freud, calling....

Okay, I have to tell you about this strange dream I had, it was a morning dream (all the strange ones are)...and dear readers, I'll only tell you part of it, because, I know one should usually run away when someone says "Let me tell you about the strange dream I had"'s akin to when someone asks you to smell something, and they ask "Does this smell bad to you?"...So at the risk of being the month old Gorgonzola of your day, here I go:

The main weird part of the dream is that I keep trying to get on an elevator but every time I am standing by the doors, some bald little man with a pot belly in a white t-shirt looks at me and smiles and I run away.

He's actually quite pleasant to me, but somehow I know he's a menace so I keep trying to trip him up by going to a different set of elevators....I finally ditch him and then I wake up.

I never get on the elevator, either.

I tried looking this one up and all the elevator interpretations are about whether you go up or down in the elevator....never about NOT GETTING ON THE ELEVATOR.

Oh and the reason why I need to get on the elevator is to meet my husband for a black-tie dinner and I can't take the stairs because I am pushing around my mother's wooden f*cked up is that? By the way, don't need an interpretation on that one, I already have a's the elevator thing that has me stymied.

Okay all done shining a spotlight on my inner world...

oh wait, one more thing...I have been dreaming like a banshee since we got a memory foam pad for our bed. I mean dreaming off the roof! I dream and remember them almost every night , which is a good sign that I am getting REM sleep.

SO in an inadvertent way, I am recommending sleeping on foam.

What would Freud say?....


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making scents...

The reality of being an aging ingenue, is that, while my body may betray me...I can still smell sexy!
I tried out these fragrant oils by Lisa Hoffman, and they are "scentsational"....

You get four variations on the scent to layer through out the day and they are not OVERWHELMING!

Plus and I mean bonus plus, they come in a darling leather pouch, just to make your friends jealous!

My favorite is Tuscan Fig....I am an old timey Channel No.5 fan and this is close only it's an organic scent.

Go forth and smell well:


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Appetite Suppressant

Next time you get the urge to over-eat, read this it twice to induce vomiting:


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oblique and obsolete...

I love this website:

It is a comprehensive list of obsolete skills, many of which I old Invisi-Gal feels, yet so wise and useful in an obsolete kind of way.

I must go adjust the pendulum on my clock...

can you?


Miss Dial...

About once a month I get a wrong number call from this really sweet funny elderly lady. It's to the point that I recognize her name on the caller ID.

She starts with saying my first name which happens to be the first name of the person she THINKS she called and then we always get to the part when our last names don't match up... she'll tell me what number she dialed and I'll tell her that's not my number, it's one digit off.

We always laugh and she apologizes and I tell her there is no need to, because she is so sweet and her little raspy voice is so granny-cute...and then I hang up.

The great thing is that, I hang up with a big smile on my face, from a wrong number.

It actually brightens up the moment, this little mistake.

Makes you think differently about mistakes.
